"Animation by Children of the World --- with Normand Roger".
Beginning March 4, 2006, ASIFA Colorado will be joining in another international animation project with ASIFA Workshop Groups. Each Saturday from 9AM to 11:30AM starting March 4, 2006 and ending April 29, 2006 participants will get a chance to animate a 2 minute short film to be included in a project with groups around the world.
The AWG 2006 project theme is entitled "Animation by Children of the World --- with Normand Roger". Normand Roger, a well known composer of animation scores, wrote 30 minutes of music, allowing each workshop to provide 2 minutes of animation based on the music section. This will then be edited together with animations from the other groups.
The workshop will be held at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design (RMCAD) in Lakewood, Colorado in the Animation Lab. A cost of $180.00 per student is required. Space is limited and we will be taking students on a first come first serve basis.
ASIFA Colorado was established in 2001 as a non-profit organization devoted to cultivating and promoting the art, craft and profession of animation. ASIFA-Colorado is a regional chapter of the international organization, Association Internationale du Film d'Animation (ASIFA).
ASIFA-Colorado is proudly sponsored by the Scientific and Cultural Foundation District and RMCAD.
Desroches – Workshop Leader